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How to Market Successfully

How to Market Successfully

Marketing is a prerequisite for making a name for your company on the market and for generating sales. Marketing is a broad term that encompasses all the activities your company can engage in, in order to sell a concept, product or service on a given market.

The aim, of course, is to create or satisfy a need among a particular target group. It is essential, therefore, that your message isn’t drowned out by the crowd, so visibility and recognition are important parameters in a successful marketing campaign.

Plan your way to success with your marketing

To market your product successfully, you need to develop a marketing plan. One that will ensure that your product is marketed in the best possible way. There is no single recipe for successful marketing. But a good marketing plan is the right place to start.

Without planning, you risk spending time and resources on a campaign with no clear focus. Often, you will reap few or no rewards. Therefore, always remember to have focus on WHO your target audience is, WHAT your message is and, finally, WHERE you can find your target audience.

Try to gather as much information as possible about your customer segment. It is important to have focus on age, gender and geographic location, but you should also think about things such as what common values members of your target group share.

Examine the market closer and learn more about your competitors and the price range on the market.
Ask yourself: What do I have to do to get customers to pick my product over the competition? Describe your product in a way that your target group can relate to. Focus on the benefits and what the customer gains by choosing your product. Think about what sets you apart from the other players on the market.

How should you market your product or service?

Before forging ahead, naturally you will also need to consider whether there is a reasonable balance between your marketing expenses and your earnings potential. If there is, you can move ahead with your planning.

Make a chart of your planned activities, and create the necessary clarity.

  • Choose activities that are most suitable in relation to your current situation and your target group.
  • Determine a timeframe for the marketing.
  • Make a plan for all activities in order of priority.
  • Decide when the activities will take place.
  • Make a budget and perform strict management control.

Marketing can be divided into offline marketing and online marketing. Consider whether you want to advertise in one or more of the following media:

  • Website and web advertising (online optimisation, SEO and Google Ads campaigns)
  • Social media
  • Newsletters
  • Direct emails
  • Telemarketing
  • Advertising via professional associations, at trade fairs and conferences

Finally, remember that a good marketing plan also includes customer care considerations. How do you build relationships and how do you plan to maintain them?

Tip: Be aware of marketing laws – not all marketing is legal. If in doubt, seek professional advice.

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